Sunday, July 13, 2014


So the name of the blog is Swell Sports.  No, not like "oh gee, sports are swell guys!"  Instead, it's swell like in surfer terms.  After all, this is a California sports blog, so why not toss a little surfer lingo into the mix to be as stereotypically Cali as possible, brah. 

While I'm on the topic of surfers, what a giant bunch of suckers.  They're basically just shark food waiting to happen.  I've lived in Los Angeles almost my entire life and I still don't even swim out deeper than 10 feet.  Don't get me wrong the beaches are phenomenal, the girls are vastly out of my league, and the weather is top notch.  But the only real swimming I do is in lakes or pools.  No chance am I going swimming in murky water where I would knowingly be sharing territory with something three times my length and five times my weight with ambush capabilities.  Fuck. That. Noise.  But for the benefit of the blog and it's Cali credibility, Swell Sports it is.  Just think of me as your go to guy for anything and everything California (but basically just LA because California is a huge state with a lot going on and I can't keep up with all of it).

Just to get it out of the way, my favorite teams are the Angels, Raiders, Kings, and Clippers so those are going to be the ones that get the majority of the coverage.  I'll try to be unbiased about other teams but in all honestly I really won't try that hard if I hate the team.  And considering California has an outrageous 15 major sports teams (MLS teams are a joke and don't count, obviously) there's going to be some significant bias on my end.  Deal with it.


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