Monday, February 23, 2015

Maryland Dude Built a Snow Plow With a Very Exposed Toilet That His Balls Will Undoubtedly Get Stuck To Next Time It Snows

Source - Talk about a pooper scooper.  A man in suburban Washington has created a snow plow using a motorized toilet.

David Goldberg of Rockville, Maryland, attached a plow to the motorized toilet, which he had already made for a parade this past summer. The contraption, which he calls "Loo-cy," comes with a toilet paper stand and a magazine rack.

The 55-year-old Goldberg posted a YouTube video of himself sitting on the commode while plowing snow Tuesday in front of a hardware store he owns in Bethesda, Maryland. A winter storm had dumped about 4 inches of snow.

Goldberg says people stopped their cars to get a good look at Loo-cy, with some pointing and laughing and others snapping photos. Goldberg says Loo-cy will be back outside the store Thursday.

I'm from Los Angeles so I don't really fuck with snow because people be freezin' and shit but am I wrong to think this is the dumbest idea of all time?  Obviously no one is gonna start buying these things up, but like why even invent it in the first place?  If you put water in the bowl it only does one of two things.  It either sloshes around all over your balls and leaks onto the seat until eventually pooling between the cheeks, or it freezes.  That's it.  Then all that water freezes your skin to the toilet plow.  Nightmare fucking city.

Strangest part about the story is the fact that this dude didn't put a toilet onto a motorized plow, he attached a plow to a motorized toilet.  Who on this planet has a motorized toilet lying around?  God damned David Goldberg that's who!  And this could just be my racism ignorance talking, but building a motorized snowplowing toilet seems very out of character for a Jew, no?

PS - If every one of these came complimentary with a Forever Lazy and the toilet had seat warmers this blog goes in a whole nother direction.

PPS - Nother should definitely be a word.  Oh, and Hanky Pinky Fuchsia (bonkers spelling on the word "fuchsia"), sup girl?

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