Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Paris Hilton's Little Brother Might Be the Most Pompous Dickish Rich Kid on the Planet and It's Awesome

Source - Paris Hilton's younger brother Conrad has appeared in court after allegedly becoming enraged on a British Airways flight from London to Los Angeles, calling passengers "peasants" and making children cry.

Hilton, 20, had his hands and feet in shackles as he was brought into court in Los Angeles where he was charged with interfering with a flight crew, an offence which can carry a penalty of up to 20 years in prison. He did not enter a plea and was released on $100,000 bail.

The case related to BA Flight 269 which took off from Heathrow on July 31 last year but details only emerged as Hilton was charged.

According to a 17-page affidavit from an FBI agent, Hilton became unruly soon after the plane took off, pacing the aisle and complaining that another passenger was giving him a "stink eye."

Witnesses said he was in a rage for much of the 11-hour flight, at one point yelling: "I will f****** own anyone on this flight. They are f****** peasants."

The Hilton's are officially back baby!...And with tits!

First Paris slaps me in the face with a full-on cleav-shot and now little bro bursts onto the scene like a goddamn bull in a china shop!  Calling an entire plane of people "peasants", smoking weed in the bathroom, making little kids cry like nobody's business.  Maybe pump the brakes a little bit though dude.  We need you for the long haul.  There's only one family of sluts and scandal that can knock the Kardashians off their Hollywood throne and that's the Hiltons.  And we're gonna need this animal for every battle in that war, so we can't have him going off the rails before he has the chance to do some real damage.  

By the time I finished reading the first three lines of this story I knew what we had in this kid; he's essentially Paris with a dick.  His judgment is similarly terrible, he seems to have little to no self control whatsoever.  They are the same person, only Conrad has way more testosterone and now way less titty.

And I love a loose cannon celebrity* as much as the next guy but this has to be the most upset anyone has ever been in their entire life over a "stink eye".   Hey Conrad, ya think maybe she was giving you the stink eye because you just tried roasting a fatty in the bathroom of a commercial aircraft you savage?  I mean don't get me wrong I love this stuff, but there has to be another element or else you're basically just a total piece of shit.  Next time, make it a cocaine-fueled rage or something cool like that.  Maybe pop a Molly and sweat a little bit, dig?

*Conrad Hilton is not a celebrity.  

PS - I also read that he was basically saying he's done this before and his dad fixed that with money ($300,000 to be exact) so he would for sure do it again no problem.  I can't even imagine how pissed I'd be if my kid did this.  If I'm Big Daddy Hilton I'm sending this kid to get raped in prison to teach him a thing or two about a thing or two.  But that's just me. 

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